Tag: android

  • Transfer SMS messages from Nokia to Android devices

    Transfer SMS messages from Nokia to Android devices

    Although there exist numerous articles explaining how to transfer SMS messages from Nokia to Android based devices, all of them required many additional programs to work. For this solution you only need to install

    1. Nokia PC Suite on your computer and
    2. SMS Importer (Lite) on your Android device

    Once completed, follow these steps to transfer your SMS messages from your Nokia to your Android device.

    Update: The company behind SMS Importer (Secomba GmbH) obviously removed the Lite version from the Play Store. So you can either buy the “pro” version or try to download a previous version from e.g. http://androappslib.blogspot.co.at/2012/04/sms-importer.html. Please have a look at the comments below where to find the APK.

    The Process

    1. In Nokia PC Suite open Nokia Communication Center and mark all messages you want to export (e.g. in Inbox)
    2. Export messages as CSV file using File -> Export and use CSV as file type

    The following shows an examplary line of the CSV export file:

    "sms","READ,RECEIVED","+SENDER_PHONE_NR","","","2012.08.02 05:54","","MESSAGE"

    Ensure that the resulting CSV file is UTF-8 encoded. Do so by opening it with your favorite editor (e.g. Notepad++) and save it as UTF-8 content.

    1. Save CSV export file to your Android device on SD-card, without subfolders, e.g. /sdcard/sms.csv
    2. Install SMS Importer (Lite) on target Android device
    3. Configure SMS Importer (Lite) using the following settings:
      • in Main window
        • Folder: Inbox (or Sent depending on the messages you exported from Nokia PC Suite)
        • Source type: Custom
        • File: /sdcard/sms.csv
      • in Advanced preferences:
        • File format: CSV
        • in CSV Settings (double check structure with your CSV file!):
          • Encoding: utf8
          • Seperator: ;
          • Quote character:
          • Skip lines: 0
          • Sender position: 3
          • Date position: 6
          • Date format: yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm
          • Body position: 8
    4. Back in Main screen hit Menu button and start import


    If you receive an “an unexpected error occurred” message on import check the advanced CSV settings again and ensure correct UTF-8 encoding as well. The SMS Importer Lite version is limited to 100 messages during import. If you have more than 100 messages (like me) simply split initial CSV file and start the same process for each file.