Category: Papers

  • E-Learning Standards – Critical and Practical Perspectives

    E-Learning Standards – Critical and Practical Perspectives

    The following PDF represents my master’s thesis written in the course of my master studies  “Software Development and Business Management” at the Graz University of Technology.


    Due to rapid technological advances in the past decade, e-learning has experienced substantial growth. Especially bigger, training intensive companies have recognized the potential of reusable electronic learning material.

    As a consequence, a lot of effort has been spent on creating e-learning standards, that address every possible learning scenario imaginable. Unfortunately, it is exactly this objective that has caused them to evolve into complex structures, that are very costly to implement. In addition, after years of design, current prominent e-learning standards, such as SCORM, are still in a developmental stage. This reflects the endeavor to merge existing diverse business interests of the companies involved in the standardization process.

    Moreover, the majority of current e-learning standards have been designed by technicians rather than educators and, according to critics, lack the pedagogical aspect of learning, being a collection of computer standards, rather than of learning standards per se. The implied conformity of current e-learning standards even created the “EduPunk” movement, which denunciates the constrictive inherent generality of existing electronic learning standard approaches.

    This thesis focuses on presenting e-learning in general, together with a selection of current prominent e-learning standards, such as SCORM and QTI, from a critical and practical perspective. Based on this theoretical background, this thesis presents a practical implementation of an e-learning platform called “Wörterwelt”, which has been developed with a focus on common web standards in contrast to strict adherence to existing de facto e-learning standards.

    BibTex Citation

      author       = {Kerstner, Matthias},
      title        = {E-Learning Standards - Critical and Practical Perspectives},
      year         = {2011},
      month        = apr,
      date         = {4},
      note         = {\url{}}


    E-Learning Standards – Critical and Practical Perspectives
