jQuery Multi File Upload

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A couple of days ago I accidently discovered https://blueimp.net/‘s jQuery File Upload.

Finally I found some time to post back on jQuery File Upload. As of this writing I have successfully integrated blueimp’s jQuery multi file uploader plugin into a Zend-based web application. The plugin has proven to be quite valuable as it provides a bunch of out of the box functionality, such as handling chunked uploads using a simple PHP script. Of course this script only serves as a starting point for more serious projects, but still it is quite helpful.

The API and the corresponding documentation for the plugin is available via the project’s homepage (https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload/wiki). They are both very well written and easy to understand. Furthermore, in case you are interested in the code, the inline documentation is also pretty exhaustive. Details on the file upload can be managed on both sides of the application, i.e. using the JavaScript code during instantiation of the plugin and on the server side when processing upload requests.

Styling of the plugin can be extended pretty easy too. The author has provided template stylesheets that can be overwritten and extended. One of the core aspects of this plugin is the templating plugin used to display uploaded files. The JSON used to update these templates can be altered on the server side, thus making it possible to add further functionality to the UI, such as adding checkboxes to select certain files. The event hooks provided by the UI part of the plugin allow to modify the uploader’s behavior even more.

All in all, I am glad I stumbled across the well written and documented jQuery plugin, available from the project’s homepage: http://aquantum-demo.appspot.com/file-upload.


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